When supply of water is in the power of some individuals, eight glasses of water for man survival are the hardest thing to be fulfilled. And now, we are reminded back again to the basic choice, water has to be managed and used on a large scale for people prosperity or have we confirmed the opposite choice? Yes, we have. Water has been managed into something that only can be gotten if we exchange it with some money. Water has been managed selfishly and unfairly for commercial purposes by capitalists. They admit that the full-cost pricing of water will be a painful adjustment for humanity. But they argue that this is a small price to pay for water security, for their guardianship of our most precious resource. Should we listen to their words? It is up to each of us. Since commercialization of water is threatening farm enterprises, reducing supply of clean water, and causing destructive exploitation, the government should do some actions such as reforming the UUSDA, limiting the num...