When supply of water is in the power of some individuals, eight glasses of water for man survival are the hardest thing to be fulfilled. And now, we are reminded back again to the basic choice, water has to be managed and used on a large scale for people prosperity or have we confirmed the opposite choice?
Yes, we have. Water has been managed into something that only can be gotten if we exchange it with some money. Water has been managed selfishly and unfairly for commercial purposes by capitalists. They admit that the full-cost pricing of water will be a painful adjustment for humanity. But they argue that this is a small price to pay for water security, for their guardianship of our most precious resource.
Should we listen to their words? It is up to each of us. Since commercialization of water is threatening farm enterprises, reducing supply of clean water, and causing destructive exploitation, the government should do some actions such as reforming the UUSDA, limiting the number of mineral water business, and establishing equal distribution of water.

A.   Threatening Farm Enterprises
Today, 70% (seventy percent) of the world’s water is used for crop irrigation. As the population grows, irrigated land is accepted to become increasingly significant in feeding people. But the impending water crisis will push many croplands to the brink of disaster, as there will be insufficient water to irrigate our food crops. Compounding the problem is the fact that further expansion of agriculture lands cannot be sustained due to the effects of agrichemicals (soil erosion, poisoning of water, etc) (Susan Bryce, 2010).
In Indonesia, most of the people work in agricultural sector. They earn a living as a farmer. The most important for them to survive are food and drink. Without both of them, they will die. To get food, they have to work. But to work, they need manure, seed, and medicine. So, they need money to buy all of that while the full-cost pricing of water for irrigation system is made.
It means that, the government is never one sided to the farmers since water can be rented to the capitalists. Even farmers also have right on water; they cannot get it because they are poor. If water crisis has come then the great famine will be a direct result. As the result, they cannot cultivate the farmland anymore and produce food for people.
B.   Causing Destructive Exploitation
Research has shown that until now, there are 246 mineral water businesses in Indonesia. With total of production 4.2 (four point two) billion liters in the year 2001, the 65 % (sixty five percentages) is managed by The Group Danone (AQUA) and The Coca Cola Company (ADES). The rest 35 % (thirty five percentages) is managed by 244 local companies. (Soeparmono, 2003)
In the beginning, we still can see and get water freely. But now, the population growth and the increasing number of mineral water businesses have made the debit of water in the world is decreasing. That happens if the mineral water businesses have taken the water beyond the limit and roughly. So, the depletion of water will be higher than the supletion of water, especially, for people who use well as the water resource will no longer be in big problem. The exploitation of water has no benefits at all not only humans but also environment. It will also destruct the farmlands. Then, the streams and rivers are sucked by the mineral water businesses. Finally, dryness is everywhere because of continuous exploitation of the ground water and surface water.
C.   Reducing Supply of Clean Water
The World Bank who gives a loan for mineral water businesses believes that making water available at no cost, or low cost, does not provide the right incentive to consumers (Ismail seralgeldin, 1993 cit. Soeparmono, 2003).
Indonesia as a developing country believes that opinion. So, this country always accepts any privatization of our important resources. Indirectly, the government slowly but sure is trying to sell this country to irresponsible person. Since Indonesia cannot pay the debts and almost in bankruptcy, the commercialization of water is the only way to get out of it.
According to Kompas, PAM (Perusahaan Air Minum) or the drink water company has responsibility to provide clean water service for society. In Jakarta, PAM work together with Multinational Corporation from England and French. But, the society always complains because PAM service is not efficient anymore and the response of PAM is always late. It proves that commercialization of water does not guarantee the quality control of water. While on the other side, PAM increases the price about 40 % (forty percentages). (Baswir, 2003)
It shows that, the access of clean water is especially, for people who live in big cities, hotels, and buildings. They can get clean water easily and also do not have to worry about the money. Meanwhile, the poor people have to think twice to buy the clean water because for them that is too expensive. So, supply of clean water decreases and a lot of people will die because of diseases caused by the dirty water.

A.   Reforming the UUSDA (Undang-undang Sumber Daya Air)
In UUSDA (water regulation) 2004, the legal authority of water businesses can be given to an individual or a company with the government license. The legal authority of water businesses is a right for having and using water. It means that the owner of water businesses is opened widely not only for the local companies but also for foreign companies. Since there is no limitation, this UUSDA has given an access for privatization of water. Unfortunately, the government does not realize about that since our country has a lot of debts to the IMF and the World Bank. So, the government needs a lot of income.
Farmers who use water for irrigation have no government license. Therefore, they cannot use the water since they cannot afford the government license. They also will lose the water because it is taken away by the capitalists. If there is conflict in the court between farmers and capitalists, that is for sure, the capitalists will win and the farmers will lose.
To handle this problem, the government should reform the UUSDA. They have to involve farmers in making decision about the water and avoid mineral water companies to be built in the arable land, a land which has fertile soil and can be cultivated to grow something. The old regulation has to be changed with the new regulation. Then, we have to back to our source of law, Pancasila and UUD 1945. If the government does not want to do that, the government will fail to keep the people’s trust since 60 % (sixty percentages) people of Indonesia are farmers.
B.   Limiting the Number of Mineral Water Businesses
Since there are 246 mineral water business in Indonesia (Soeparmono, 2003), dryness is everywhere. Many arable lands cannot be used anymore. The debit of water reduces slowly and exploitation cannot be stopped. Also many places don’t get access of clean water because distribution of water cannot be equal.
The government should take actions. They have to stop this commercialization of water by limiting the number of mineral water businesses. They have to make a regulation about the limitation of taking water and the requirements to run a mineral water company. The company has to be one sided for people’s prosperity. The company still has right in taking the water for commercial purposes but they have to limit it.
C.   Establishing Equal Distribution of Water
Not only the rich people but also the poor people have right on the water. The government should establish equal distribution of water for all. The function of water as a precious resource must be the basic of human right. The distribution should be fair.
The World Water Commission for the 21th century looks at the problem of one billion populations who haven’t got access to water. Meanwhile, the population on earth will continue to increase from 6 billion to 8 billion people in 2025. And the need of water in big cities and industries is increasing. (Susan Bryce, 2001)
On the other side, the condition of water is getting worse, especially in poor countries because of pollution of water. That’s why, the government should change the UUSDA then it will influence the PAM system which will reform the way of water distribution.

In summary, commercialization of water has not only the good effects but also the bad effects for human and environment. It is threatening farm enterprises, reducing supply of clean water, and causing destructive exploitation. That’s why the government should reform the UUSDA, limit the number of mineral water businesses and establish equal distribution of water.
The government and all of us also have responsibility to save our precious resource, water, from scarcity. If only we had taken actions when commercialization of water was first revealed, if only our government had never let the commercialization of water, the future of water on earth will be bright if we use it wisely in our own hand. Now, no time for regretting it. This is time to take an action and water has to be as a basic need of human and let the water flow free…!!!

Bryce, Susan.  2001. The Privatization of Water, waterprivat.html. May 12, 2004
Siapa Mengawasi Privatisasi ?, Kompas, Monday, 23 November 2003, page 10
Soemarwoto, Otto, 2001. Atur-Diri-Sendiri Paradigma Baru Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup. Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada University Press.
Soeparmono. 2003. Petani Tolak Privatisasi Air, /harian/0309/20/kot4.htm.  May 19,2004

This is the article where i won as one of the finalists of Essay International  Competition from Deakin University, Australia on Sep 2004


  1. Bravo Kiky! U've never had tell bout this. Back to topic of this post, menambahkan yang pernah gua liat (iklan): perusahaan yang air mineral melakukan CSR, spt beli 1 liter produknya berarti membantu pengadaan 1 galon air bersih pula di daerah kering. Bisa kita jadikan praduga sebagai promosi lini bawah, namun hal ini searah dengan pemerataan distribusi air bersih (meski hanya sebagian kecil lingkupnya).


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