
Showing posts from 2012

Miliki Cita-Cita, Harapan dan Impian !

Jika kamu pernah disakiti oleh seseorang maka luapkanlah kekesalanmu terhadap orang tersebut. Kemudian, lepaskan pengampunan dan berusahalah untuk menenangkan dirimu. Ucapkanlah syukur atas semua penderitaan yang bolah kamu alami akibat perbuatan orang tersebut. Katakan dalam hatimu, “ Terimakasih anda pernah menyakiti hati saya karena kalau tidak maka saya tidak akan pernah belajar untuk mengampuni dan memiliki jiwa besar ” . Lalu, mulailah menatap ke depan lagi dan berjalanlah seakan-akan semua itu tidak pernah terjadi dalam hidupmu. Pikirkanlah cita-citamu, harapanmu, dan impianmu! Manusia pada akhirnya hanya akan mengecewakan. Hanya karena jerih lelahmu tidak dihargai, jangan berhenti untuk bekerja lebih giat dari orang lain. Hanya karena orang tidak membalas kebaikanmu, jangan berhenti untuk berbuat kebajikan dalam hidupmu. Hanya karena hasil karyamu tidak dianggap, jangan berhenti untuk terus berkarya menciptakan sesuatu yang baru yang belum pernah ada sebelumnya. Hanya ...

Speech given by Nobel Peace Prize and Father of Microfinance, Muhammad Yunus.

Muhammad Yunus spoke about the social business of micro-finance. Though he confessed his initial lack of knowledge in banking, Yunus told us that he learned how conventional banks did things, and then did just the opposite. Where conventional banks went to the rich, he went to the poor. Where conventional banks went to men, he most often went to women. Where conventional banks wanted collateral, he dismissed it completely. Where conventional banks wanted legal papers, he saw no need. Where conventional banks were owned by the rich, his bank was owned by the borrowers. Where conventional banks wanted to know your credit history, he was more interested in your future than your past. Where conventional banks made the people go to them, he went to the people. In this social business, the question was not “How much money did you make this year?” but became instead “How many children got out of malnutrition this year?” Behind the podium, he demanded, “Should banks a...

Father's Issue (Isu tentang Bapa)

English Version:   In my age, 25 something more, most young woman are facing a crossroad in their life. Are we going to pursue a career or build a family with a loved partner? At this time, the young woman will usually be stuck with the notion that we must not become an old maid since no man will want to be with. This in turn, leads us to the assumption that the decision in a hurry to get married without knowing what was the meaning of a marriage. Until I am writing this article, already 2 times, I was proposed by a man. However, already 2 times, I also refused them for different reasons. My first reason was because I was not ready for marriage, still young, and still looking for identity. My second reason was because I was not sure if he's the right guy or not to marry me. Courtship was not enough to convince me to get married and live with a man. After going through a quarter-century journey of life and also reflections, I find my unpreparedness entering a period of marriage i...